Monday, January 24, 2011

Crossing Seven Streams Two

Life slows down in the backcountry. Every action dictates a slow paced reaction. Rudimentary skills take preparation and thoughtfulness. The most mundane of tasks takes dedication and perseverance. A backcountry Traveler must place each boot in front of the other, carefully. The Traveler does not want to fall into the Seven Streams. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Seven Streams Beginning

There are Seven Streams to cross before reaching Suckerbrook Pond. The Trail leads into the forest and pulls me up the mountainside. A chiseled line cuts into the earth and guides me into the water. The Trail then reemerges on the other side. Each Stream trickles over the path, leaving only distinct rocks sticking out of the water. My boots bounce from stone to stone until eventually hitting the other side. Crossing each Stream has challenges. Each stone diagrams a path, but the path is never certain. Loose rocks can shift, leaving me in certain peril. A misstep most certainly means falling into the Seven Streams. Wetness leads to coldness, which then signals the end of an enjoyable Adventure.